Monday, July 20, 2009

Bunratty Castle - Friday July 10th

So we stopped at Bunratty Castle on the way to Dingle. The castle was surrounded by a small village- a sort of reenactment place. I didn't get to look around the village as I would have liked because we only had about 1.5 hours to tour the castle and get lunch. As the picture suggests it was sort of a yucky rainy day. This is one of the prettiest castles I have visited.

The stained glass was just lovely. It was pretty much all throughout the castle

This is the ladies window. Since the girls were not allowed in the Great Hall, they made this window for the lady folk to look into the hall and be amused.

View from the ladies window

Me at the top of the castle. Unfortunately the view from the castle top wasn't so great because of the road and other urban developments. The edge near the look out point dips down at the wall. I didn't realize this and so I basically fell into the wall. I wasn't sure there was anything under my foot so I had my claws sunk into the stone. My friend Katie reassured me there was solid ground under me and I stepped back. Did not like that experience, just assumed I was dangling over a huge drop.

Some pictures of the inside of the castle

This was hanging above on of the beds. Who would want to look at this before falling asleep?

This is my favorite room of the castle because of the awesome ceiling

Some pictures of the little folk village

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures, I miss Ireland so much! I only ate there, I didn't get to see the rest of the castle and now I wish I did! Great post.
